Antidepressant Use Before, During, and After PregnancyFeb 6Antidepressant Use Before, During, and After Pregnancy, in JAMA Network Openkey takeaway: There is "a large decrease in antidepressant use without an accompanying increase in psychotherapy during pregnancy."
Antidepressant Use Before, During, and After Pregnancy, in JAMA Network Openkey takeaway: There is "a large decrease in antidepressant use without an accompanying increase in psychotherapy during pregnancy."
Trends in Mental, Behavioral, and Developmental Disorders Among Children and Adolescents in the US, 2016–2021Trends in Mental, Behavioral, and Developmental Disorders Among Children and Adolescents in the US, 2016–2021 , in Preventing Chronic...
Cannabis Policies, Cannabis, and Opioids in Suicide and Undetermined Intent DeathCannabis Policies, Cannabis, and Opioids in Suicide and Undetermined Intent Death , in American Journal of Preventive Medicine key...
Suicides and Overdoses at Work: Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2011–2022Suicides and Overdoses at Work: Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2011–2022 , in American Journal of Preventive Medicine key...