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Social Trust Index, by the Aspen Institute

Now you can see the strength of trusting behaviors, intentions, and spaces in your neighborhood based on annual data from the US Census, surveys, and social media. The Aspen Institute’s Weave: The Social Trust Project just released the map as an interactive story aimed at inspiring and helping people leverage their trust traits to bridge divides, build relationships, and weave a new, inclusive social fabric. It shares examples from communities around the US.

Adult Smoking Cessation — United States, 2022, in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

key takeaway: "In 2022, the majority of the 28.8 million U.S. adults who smoked cigarettes wanted to quit, approximately one half tried to quit, but fewer than 10% were successful. Fewer than 40% of adults who smoked used treatment (counseling or medication) when trying to quit; one half received clinician advice or assistance to quit."

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