Youth Suicide and Preceding Mental Health Diagnosis, in JAMA Network Open
key takeaway: "This cross-sectional study of 40 618 youth suicide decedents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Violent Death Reporting System found 24 192 decedents (59.6%) had no previously documented mental health diagnosis and 19 027 (46.8%) died by firearm suicide. The odds of having a documented mental health diagnosis were lower among racially and ethnically minoritized youths and among youths who used firearms."
State Policies Regulating Firearms and Changes in Firearm Mortality, in JAMA Network Open
key takeaway: "The estimated effect sizes of firearm regulations on mortality for individual state firearm regulations were often small and uncertain. However, there was a pattern across policies such that the most restrictive set of firearm policies was associated with 20% lower firearm mortality than the most permissive set."