Loneliness, Lack of Social and Emotional Support, and Mental Health Issues — United States, 2022, in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
key takeaway: "In 2022, the prevalence of feeling lonely always, usually, or sometimes among adults in 26 U.S. states was highest for bisexual (56.7%) and transgender persons (range = 56.4%–63.9%); these groups also reported the highest prevalence of stress, frequent mental distress, and history of depression (range = 34.3%–67.2%). Prevalence of lack of social and emotional support was elevated among transgender adults."
Social Media Use and Internalizing Symptoms in Clinical and Community Adolescent Samples: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, in JAMA Pediatrics
key takeaway: "The paucity of research on clinical populations limits the generalizability of existing research and hinders a comprehensive evaluation of the association between social media and mental health."
Supporting the Grieving Child and Family, American Academy of Pediatrics clinical report